Things I did this weekend:
I visited with an old pal and his family. I got to color Barbie's house.
I watched my wedding video. It looks like I had fun.
I watched "Save The Last Dance" with my wife. I also kept watching the end of "STLD" even when the Cubs/Cardinals game started. I'm pretty sure that has more to do with loving my wife than having a defeatist attitude about the Cubs.
I hung a clock in our bedroom. It's been waiting to be hung for a few months short of 2 years.
I went to the emergency room.
I laughed at Melanie Griffith. Not in a flattering way, either.
I forgot to cut my hair.
I contemplated how much I sometimes hate my life/myself. See previous post.
I contemplated making my life better.
Plus all of the other mundanities, etc. that keep us moving from one day to the next.
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